Let time celebrate your presence. People usually make a wish for the New Year, but this year, make no wish.Let the New Year celebrate you.If the New Year wants to bring nicer things, just let it.
Usually you are lost in celebration.When you let time celebrate you, you are a witness amidst celebration.
The New Year is fortunate because you are living at this time.When you are living for the sake of the world, the world is fortunate.You are not living for yourself,but for the world. Whatever the world needs or wants,you are here for that.
...............H.H.Sri Sri Ravishankar...
Lake Lucerne, SWITZERLAND,
JANUARY 1, 1997
This year, Guruji gave the following message to all satsangs worldwide before leaving for the Art Of Living German ashram :
Giving blessings for the new year, He said in celebration there is 'utsah' -
enthusiasm and with that also arises a sankalapa (intention) .
HE said this New Year let us all take a Sankalpa :
1. To conserve water
2. To plant trees and some vegetables/pulses - there is such shortage of food in the world
3. Plant trees - we give out impure air - these trees purify air. So to reduce pollution, it is imperative to plant trees
A Happy New Year to all my blog readers !
Jai Guru Dev,
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