Pune had a rocking Guru Poornima satsang a day earlier on July 17th at Ganesh Kala Krida Rangamanch with Amol Shende and group.
The evening started with Guru Pooja after which Amol and his troupe started satsang.
I've heard Amol before (his album Trikaal is well known in Art Of Living circles), but this was the first time hearing him live. Boy was he amazing or what ? Last night he had the audience clapping, dancing, meditating all at once.
He sang totally rocking satsang numbers - Narayana Hari Om, Ishwar Guru (from his latest album - Vasudevaya), Shiva Om Shiva Namah Shivaya ...several others I cant readily recall since I was mostly meditating through it all . My favorite was "Gurudeva Guru Om....Namah Shivaya". It was amazing how he took a bhajan usually sung slowly and rendered it with such gusto that the audience was on its feet ......!!!!
What was amazing for me was that the silence and celebration were happening simultaneously. Satsang for me has always been deeper than any meditation be it leading , singing along or just closing my eyes .
"Singing helps to bring serenity. Singing is simply merging into the sound, floating on its waves with a sense of contentment and meditativeness"
Sri Sri Ravishankar
I for sure was floating in an ocean of contentment yesterday. The pain of not being with Gurudev in Santa Clara for Guru Poornima was gone. He is with me always, yesterday I was with him too ....
Jai Guru Dev,
UPDATE : Courtesy Flame (comments below) we have a video of Amol singing Ishwar Guru at the Mumbai Guru Poornima Satsang .
Hello world!
3 weeks ago
ReplyDeletefrom ur description i feel i'v missed an awesome satsang........
amol anywayz is a jhakkaas singer.
hey do u have a recordg of this satsang......... wud love to have it. plzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz chk it out for me.
guru bless n jgd
hi nita ,
ReplyDeleteyes it was certainly a rocking satsang . Esp with the Guru Poornima energy around, and the large and enthusiastic turnout, Amol really took it away ! I don't have the recording -in fact i am looking for it too - will certainly post it here if I find it .
Joy Guru Dev,
ReplyDeleteReally very well written, could relate to everythg you wrote, was lucky enough to attend Amol's amazing Guru Poornima Satsang in Mumbai on 18th, It was just fabulous :) I have recorded some videos shall upload them soon and link you :)
Jai Gurudev!
Thats wonderful Flame ! Really looking forward to your video uploads !
ReplyDeleteJai Guru Dev,
hey flame
ReplyDeleteplzzzzzzzzzzzzzz do it fast na
am so impatient to hear em...........
u r truly 'guru sent'
love n jgd
Here's the first link...
Jai Gurudev!!!
Flame : you rock !!! That one is awesome...transported me back to the satsang last week !! Please post the other as you can .
ReplyDeleteJai Guru Dev
Thx :) !!! I simply love Sanson Ki Mala, u have uploaded the audio recently...I have a video of that taken last year on Maharashtra Day satsang in Mulund,Mumbai.
ReplyDeleteWats your email id? have some pics too,could mail them to you...
Jai Gurudev!