I was privileged to attend the Shravan Rudra Pooja at Indraprastha, Pune yesterday. Graced by Swami Saumyatej from the Art Of Living Bangalore Ashram, the pooja got underway at 7ish with a powerful slow chant On Namah Shivaya. We chanted for quite a while and I was reminded of the Guru Poornima Advanced Course I took 2 years ago. This chanting was so calming and soothing at the same time.
A satsang started right after and a couple of amazing bhajans later, the Rudra Pooja started. I wanted to meditate right through but could not as this was my first Rudra Pooja and I wanted to witness it. It was amazing watching Swamiji with his eyes either closed in deep meditation or attending to the pooja rituals.
After the pooja performed so beautifully by the pujaris from the Bangalore Ashram, the satsang started again. Rapturous, beautiful, soul satisfying, rocking.....words fall short. I wanted to stand up and dance but the hall was packed and no-one else was :) . The chief pujari chanted Shiva Manas Puja - so beautiful.
Amol Bhaiyya was there - can you spot him ? :)
Swamiji spoke after all was done and reminded everyone of Mission Green Earth, to plant trees and inspire at least 10 others to plant them too.
As I left, the rains came down - seems to have become a habit right after any AOL spiritual / seva event in Pune. I wonder why :)
UPDATE : This is totally funny. My camera has a video feature that I am completely unaware of. Somehow when I pointed my camera towards the stage during the preperations for the pooja, my camera captured some video, and I had no idea or intention of shooting video.
Jai Guru Dev,
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